sera® Nature Foods

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sera Nature: Natural aquarium fish food without dyes or preservatives. Healthy nutrition matters in aquarium care. A high quality food is the basis and not only beneficial for health but also for proper digestion. Well digested food leads to reduced water pollution and thus better living conditions and lastingly clear water. A varied diet with ingredients close to nature is the best protection against possible deficiencies. Vital substances such as vitamins, pigments, antioxidants, complex secondary plant substances, as well as prebiotics and probiotics are useful and essential substances that add to a food. According to current scientific findings, it is mainly the natural vital substances such as astaxanthin that have a particularly beneficial effect on the well-being, disease resistance, and longevity.
Astaxanthin is obtained from Haematococcus algae and does not only have antioxidant, fertility enhancing, and immune strengthening properties, but additionally intensifies the coloration of our fish. Compared to synthetic astaxanthin, the natural compound leads to better results.
Insect meal as a high quality protein source. Black soldier fly meal (Hermetia illucens) is rich in protein, very easily digestible in fish, and provides a perfect nutrient profile. Additionally, manufacturing insect meal is very sustainable.
Krill rich in carotenoids for natural color development is particularly rich in natural minerals and trace elements, and supports health and fertility.
Natural Spirulina with high percentages of herbal protein and carotenoids. In effective concentrations, Spirulina not only supports brilliant and clear colors, but provides the fish with high quality vegetable proteins, valuable omega fatty acids, plenty of vitamins, as well as minerals and trace elements.

sera Insect Nature

$6.00 – 100 ml/1.3 oz
$12.00 – 250 ml/3.3 oz
$29.00 – 1000 ml/14.1 oz


sera Insect Nature is my new staple granule consisting of sustainable insect meal without dyes and preservatives, and contains exclusively animal protein from insect meal. The slowly sinking granules represent the natural diet of most ornamental fish. In their natural habitats they mainly feed on insect larvae and algae. Besides Tenebrio larvae – with their important proteins – wheat germ and further natural and high quality ingredients such as different algae ensure healthy development and lively fish.

sera Shrimps Nature is the staple food consisting of gently manufactured granules without dyes and preservatives for all shrimps in fresh and marine water. The balanced composition with ingredients close to nature, such as spirulina and alder cones, provides everything the shrimps require for healthy growth and safe molting. Fertility, splendid coloration, and disease resistance are enhanced in a directed way. The sinking small granules keep their shape for a very long time, thus allowing the shrimps – according to their natural feeding habits – to grab them and slowly graze them off without polluting the water.

sera Invertebrate Diets

$8.00 – Shrimps 100 ml/1.9 oz
$8.00 – Crabs 100 ml/1 oz


sera Crabs Nature is the staple food without dyes and preservatives consisting of loops for all crustaceans in fresh and marine water. The balanced composition with ingredients close to nature, such as spirulina and alder cones provides everything the crustaceans require for healthy growth and safe molting. The sinking loops remain stable for a very long time, so the crustaceans – according to their natural feeding habits – can easily grab them, carry them away, and eat them in a hiding place without polluting the water.

sera Vipachips Nature

$12.00 – 250 ml/3.1 oz
$29.00 – 1000 ml/13 oz


sera Vipachips Nature is a staple food consisting of quickly sinking chips without dyes and preservatives for all fish eating at the bottom. It contains insect meal as a high quality protein source. The balanced composition with natural ingredients and prebiotics allows for a diet particularly close to nature that supports healthy growth and strong development. The quickly sinking chips keep their shape for a long time and thus optimally fulfill the feeding habits of bottom fish without polluting the water.

sera Catfish Chips Nature

$12.00 – 250 ml/3.3 oz
$29.00 – 1000 ml/13.4 oz


sera Catfish Chips Nature is a staple food without dyes and preservatives for suckermouth bottom fish such as loaches and plecos. The balanced composition with a high amount of fibers (from willow bark and alder cones) as well as natural spirulina supports healthy digestion and development. The quickly sinking chips become smooth in water, keep their shape for at least 24 hours, and do not pollute the water. They therefore allow the mainly nocturnal catfish eating slowly without any problems, which meets their natural feeding habits.

sera catfish XXL

Catfish Tabs XXL Nature

$19.00 – 250 ml/4.6 oz
$49.00 – 1000 ml/14.8 oz ORIGINAL Formula


sera Catfish Tabs XXL Nature is the staple food without dyes and preservatives for bigger catfish (e.g. Plecos) and other bottom fish. The big tabs can also be stuck to the aquarium glass, providing fascinating opportunities to observe different fish species. The high amount of Spirulina (19%) with many mineral and vital substances supports digestion, color development, and health.

sera Viformo Nature

$25.00 – 250 ml/5.6 oz
$139.00 – 2000 ml/3.1 lb


sera Viformo Nature is a catfish food without dyes and preservatives consisting of gently manufactured tabs for catfish and other fish that are searching for food at the bottom. The nutritious and easily digestible food contains 4% Gammarus as a high quality protein and mineral substance source. Gammarus is also rich in trace elements and carotenoids. The balanced composition, enriched with sea algae rich in vitamins, supports healthy development and liveliness of the animals. The appropriate nutrition of fish with a small mouth (e.g. armored catfish or loaches) is ensured as the sinking tabs disintegrate into bite-sized chunks while the fish are searching for food at the bottom. The food chunks remain compact and do not cloud the water.

sera O-Nip Nature

$14.00 – 100 ml/2.1 oz
$29.00 – 250 ml/6 oz
$139.00 – 2000 ml/3.1 lb


sera O-Nip Nature is a treat without dyes and preservatives consisting of gently manufactured tabs that can be stuck to the aquarium glass by slight finger pressure. This allows watching even shy fish while they are eating. The adhesive tablets are characterized by their high percentage of food organisms: besides bloodworms and Tubifex, sera O-Nip Nature also contains 7% krill. Due to these ingredients, the tabs are very rich and particularly valuable. Natural ingredients as well as a high, easily digestible protein amount support healthy development, splendid appearance, and appropriate behavior.

sera Spirulina Tabs Nature

$14.00 – 100 ml/2.1 oz
$139.00 – 2000 ml/3.1 lb


sera Spirulina Tabs Nature is a veggie food without dyes and preservatives consisting of attaching tablets. It is excellently suitable for mainly herbivorous fish and invertebrates in fresh and marine water. The particularly high percentage of spirulina algae (24%) supports healthy digestion and liveliness. The balanced food supports healthy development, splendid appearance as well as appropriate behavior of the animals. The gently manufactured tabs sink to the bottom or can be attached to the aquarium glass by slight finger pressure. This allows watching even shy fish while they are eating.

sera Plankton Tabs Nature

$14.00 – 100 ml/2.3 oz
$139.00 – 2000 ml/2.9 lb


sera Plankton Tabs Nature is the color food without dyes and preservatives in tablet form. The gently processed food tabs are suitable for all fish that eat at the bottom (e.g. catfish, loaches) and invertebrates in fresh and marine water. The natural color development of the animals is supported effectively and in a natural way by zooplankton (7% krill) and phytoplankton (24% spirulina). The excellently digestible food supports healthy growth, strong disease resistance, as well as fertility. The tabs sink down quickly, keep their shape for a long time and do not pollute the water.

sera ImmunPro Nature

$15.00 – 250 ml/3.9 oz
$39.00 – 1000 ml/15.5 oz
$199.00 – 10 L/9.7 lb

sera ImmunPro Mini Nature

$15.00 – 250 ml/4.2 oz
$39.00 – 1000 ml/1.1 lb
$199.00 – 10 L/11.9 lb


sera ImmunPro Nature & ImmunPro Mini Nature are growth & breeder foods for all ornamental fish. The probiotics are applied to the food in a particularly gentle procedure and stabilize the intestinal flora. They reduce water pollution because of more efficient food utilization. Due to the high protein percentage of more than 50%, the addition of probiotics and other functional ingredients such as MOS, Haematococcus (rich in natural astaxanthin) and Spirulina, the breeder food ensures quick growth, strong development, and brilliant coloration of the fish. This food contains the intestinal flora stabilizer Bacillus subtilis, which is approved for ornamental fish since June 2016, and is expressly recommended by the EFSA (European authority for food safety) for use in ornamental fish food to improve growth and food utilization.

sera GVG-Mix Nature

$6.00 – 100 ml/0.8 oz
$12.00 – 250 ml/2.1 oz
$30.00 – 1000 ml/7.4 oz
$199.00 – 10 L/4.4 lb


sera GVG-Mix Nature is my new staple flake in the fishroom! GVG-Mix Nature is a natural treat made of gently processed flakes without dyes or preservatives. The mixture of flakes and dried whole food organisms such as Krill, Bloodworms, and Daphnia offers a varied diet. The food is particularly rich in natural minerals and trace elements, and supports health and fertility. The flakes keep their shape, are suitable for all aquarium fish, and do not cloud the water.
The 1000 ml size comes only with a marine label but the formula is the same as for freshwater.


sera San Nature

$6.00 – 100 ml/0.8 oz
$12.00 – 250 ml/2.1 oz
$29.00 – 1000 ml/7.4 oz
$119.00 – 10 L/4.4 lb


sera San Nature is a natural color food without dyes or preservatives. Color development is achieved with natural ingredients such as Haematococcus algae rich in astaxanthin and Krill. High palatability enhances liveliness and readiness to spawn. The flakes keep their shape, are suitable for all aquarium fish, and do not cloud the water.


sera Flora Nature

$6.00 – 100 ml/0.8 oz
$12.00 – 250 ml/2.1 oz
$29.00 – 1000 ml/7.4 oz
$119.00 – 10 L/4.4 lb


sera Flora Nature is a natural herbal food without dyes or preservatives. Natural ingredients rich in roughage such as Spirulina with its high carotenoid percentage ensure healthy digestion and enhances liveliness. The easily digestible composition with its high percentage of vegetable protein is also ideal for weakened fish that are recovering from an intestinal disease. The flakes keep their shape, are suitable for all aquarium fish, and do not cloud the water.

sera-vipan-nature-1000-mlsera-vipan-nature-Large Flake 1000-ml

sera Vipan Nature

$6.00 – 100 ml/0.8 oz
$10.00 – 250 ml/2.1 oz
$22.00 – 1000 ml/7.4 oz

sera Vipan Nature XL

$22.00 – 1000 ml/7.4 oz
$109.00 – 10 L/4.4 lb
$199.00 – 21 L/8.8 lb


sera Vipan Nature is a natural staple food without dyes or preservatives. Black soldier fly meal provides a high quality protein source and is a sustainable resource. The balanced composition with natural ingredients and prebiotics offers a diet particularly close to nature supporting healthy and strong development. The flakes keep their shape, are suitable for all aquarium fish, and do not cloud the water.
Available in regular and XL large flakes.

sera Goldy Goldfish Flakes

$5.00 – 100 ml/0.8 oz
$9.00 – 250 ml/2.1 oz
$22.00 – 1000 ml/7.4 oz


sera Goldy Nature is the natural staple food for smaller goldfish (including fancy variants) and other finicky coldwater fish without dyes or preservatives. Black Soldier Fly Larvae (5%) provides a high quality protein source that is resource conscientious. The balanced ratio of herbal and animal ingredients ensures an easily digestible food supporting health and splendid colors. The flakes keep their shape, are suitable for coldwater fish eating at the surface and do not cloud the water.

sera Sturgeon Food Nature are carefully processed sinking pellets or chips for feeding bigger carnivorous bottom fish such as sturgeons, but they are eagerly taken by larger carnivorous catfish, plecos, cichlids, bichirs, stingrays, knifefish, etc. just to name a few.

sera Sturgeon Food Nature have proven to be very attractive to the fish in my hatchery.

Perfect and cost effective for all carnivorous fish!

sera Sturgeon Food Nature

$39.00 – Pellets 3800 ml/4.4 lb
$39.00 – Chips 3800 ml/3.7 lb


The high percentage of omega fatty acids, easily digestible aquatic protein, minerals, and vitamins covers the high energy requirements and strengthens disease resistance of carnivores. Proper development and a long, healthy life are supported. These extremely water stable pellets and chips sink down quickly without clouding the water.


sera Koi Nature

$22.00 – 1000 ml/11.6 oz

sera Koi Nature is a natural food not just for Koi but also various large tropical fish. Due to its high protein amount with an optimal amino acid composition, this popular delicacy of 100% gently dried silk worm pupae is a valuable power snack. The balanced fat amount provides a particularly high percentage of omega fatty acids and supports healthy growth and splendid appearance. Due to the excellent digestibility, the water is not polluted.

sera Discus Granules Nature is the staple food without dyes and preservatives consisting of gently manufactured soft granules for all discus fish (including fry) and other demanding ornamental fish. Disease resistance, healthy development as well as fertility are strengthened by optimally digestible aquatic protein and ingredients rich in minerals. Garlic and prebiotically effective ingredients round off the easily digestible, tasty composition.

sera Discus ImmunPro Nature is the growth food without dyes and preservatives consisting of soft granules for all discus fish. The balanced composition includes Krill rich in minerals, color enhancing astaxanthin from Haematococcus algae as well as the probiotic Bacillus subtilis, recommended by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), for use in ornamental fish food to support growth and food utilization. The intestinal flora stabilizer strengthens the immune system of the animals and ensures that disease-causing pathogens are fended off.

sera Discus Nature

Discus Granules Nature
$15.00 – Granules 250 ml/3.7 oz
$35.00 – Granules 1000 ml/14.8 oz
$169.00 – Granules 10 L/9.3 lb

Discus ImmunPro Nature
$8.00 – ImmunPro 100 ml/1.6 oz
$17.00 – ImmunPro 250 ml/3.9 oz
$39.00 – ImmunPro 1000 ml/15.5 oz
$199.00 – ImmunPro 10 L/9.7 lb

Discus Color Nature
$8.00 – Discus Color 100 ml/1.5 oz
$17.00 – Discus Color 250 ml/3.7 oz
$199.00 – Discus Color 10 L/9.3 lb

Discus Formulas

sera Discus Color Nature is the color food without dyes and preservatives consisting of gently manufactured soft granules for all discus fish. The balanced combination of color optimizing ingredients such as natural astaxanthin from Haematococcus algae (175 mg/kg food) as well as spirulina and krill supports color development in a natural way. Disease resistance, healthy development as well as fertility are strengthened by optimally digestible aquatic protein, omega fatty acids, minerals and trace elements.

sera Micron Nature is the fry food without dyes and preservatives for the healthy nutrition of fish and amphibian fry as well as Artemia nauplii in fresh and marine water. This finely powdered food contains both zooplankton (18% krill) and phytoplankton (51% spirulina), and consists of tiny particles that float in the water. sera Micron Nature thus optimally resembles natural plankton. It supports healthy growth, the immune system as well as strong development and coloration. Due to its excellent digestibility, the water is not unnecessarily polluted.

sera Rearing Foods

$7.00 – Micron Nature 50 ml
$8.00 – Vipagran Baby 100 ml
$8.00 – Guppy Gran 100 ml


sera Vipagran Baby Nature is the rearing food without dyes and preservatives. The balanced, easily digestible composition with sustainable fish and insect meal, omega fatty acids, algae rich in carotenoids and trace elements as well as prebiotically effective mannan oligosaccharides supports healthy growth, strong disease resistance as well as optimal development and color formation. The slowly sinking micro soft granules quickly become smooth but keep their shape and do not pollute the water.

sera Guppy Gran Nature is the veggie food consisting of gently manufactured soft granules without dyes and preservatives for all herbivorous fish that mainly eat in the middle water layers, such as livebearers. This is a great food for herbivorous cichlid fry.

sera Cichlids Sticks Nature are floating sticks without dyes and preservatives consisting of gently manufactured sticks for larger omnivorous cichlids and other large fish. The sticks are particularly tasty, due to its high amount of optimally digestible protein from sustainable fish and insect meal as well as omega fatty acids.
sera Cichlid Green XL Nature are floating pellets without dyes and preservatives. It is an appropriate diet for larger mainly herbivorous and aufwuchs feeding cichlids and other large fish. The high amount of spirulina (10%) as well as other herbal components such as spinach support optimal color development as well as healthy digestion and development due to their carotenoids, minerals, trace elements, and fibers.
sera Cichlid Red XL Nature are floating pellets without dyes and preservatives. It is an excellent diet for larger, mainly carnivorous cichlids and omnivores. Due to its high amount of protein and omega fatty acids from aquatic sources as well as Haematococcus algae rich in astaxanthin, the pellets are particularly tasty, have an excellent digestibility, and support healthy development as well as color formation.

sera Cichlid Nature

Floating Sticks
$25.00 – Cichlids Sticks 1 L/7.4 oz
$99.00 – Cichlids Sticks 10 L/4.4 lb

Floating Sticks

Floating Pellets
$29.00 – Green XL 1000 ml/12.3 oz
$59.00 – Green XL 3800 ml/2.9 lb
$129.00 – Green XL 10 L/7.9 lb
$29.00 – Red XL 1000 ml/11.6 oz
$59.00 – Red XL 3800 ml/2.6 lb
$129.00 – Red XL 10 L/7.9 lb

Floating Pellets

Sinking Granules
$12.00 – Granured 250 ml/4.7 oz
$29.00 – Granured 1000 ml/1.2 lb
$12.00 – Granugreen 250 ml/4.7 oz
$29.00 – Granugreen 1000 ml/1.2 lb

Sinking Granules

sera Granured Nature is the staple food consisting of gently manufactured granules without dyes and preservatives for mainly carnivorous, smaller cichlids and omnivores. With their high protein amount and valuable fats rich in omega fatty acids, as well as the high krill amount (with many minerals, trace elements and carotenoids), the granules are particularly tasty, have an excellent digestibility, and support healthy development and color formation. The slowly sinking granules keep their shape very well and do not pollute the water.

sera Granugreen Nature is the staple food consisting of gently manufactured granules without dyes and preservatives for smaller cichlids that mainly eat plants and periphyton. This includes many of the East African cichlid species. High quality herbal components such as spirulina algae and spinach with a high amount of natural carotenoids supports optimal color development. The balanced composition supports strong development and healthy digestion. The slowly sinking granules keep their shape very well and do not pollute the water.

Last modified: July 3, 2023 at 6:46 pm